Should You Consider a Brow Lift with Your Eyelid Surgery?

When it comes to the face, the eyes are often the first to show signs of aging. When the delicate skin around the eyes loses elasticity, unwanted wrinkles and sagging skin develop. This can result in a number of concerns ranging from crow’s feet to upper eyelid hooding. If aging around the eyes is significant, patients may not only look older than they really are, but they may also portray a sad or angry appearance. In severe cases, sagging of the upper eyelid skin can impair vision. Blepharoplasty is the cosmetic surgery of choice when it comes to permanently reversing aging eyes.
What is Blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty, or an eyelid lift, involves the surgical correction of the upper and/or lower eyelids. Inconspicuous incisions are made in the natural creases of the eyelids and excess, sagging skin is removed in order to restore youth and vigor to the appearance of the eyes. This is a straightforward procedure that both men and women can take advantage of.
Adding a Brow Lift to Maximize Results
When blepharoplasty involves the upper eyelid skin, however, it can often be beneficial to combine the procedure with a brow lift. It is important to consult with your plastic surgeon and express your main concerns. If excess upper eyelid skin is causing lateral hooding or the impaired peripheral vision, adding a brow lift to your blepharoplasty can be ideal. Keep in mind that a brow lift is not a drastic lift of the brow position. Instead, it is a subtle and natural repositioning of the skin that has sagged with age. For the right individual, this procedure can dramatically improve the signs of aging directly around the eyes. If your blepharoplasty or brow lift improves your vision, there is a good chance your insurance will partially or fully cover your procedure.
On the other hand, if your concerns are limited to the eyes or just the eyelids, you may get the results you need with an upper eyelid lift alone. In some cases, you may even get improved effects from non-surgical procedures, such as Botox. Botox is an excellent solution for Crow’s feet, or the “laugh lines” that develop on the outside of the eyes.
At Avance Plastic Surgery, we offer a full menu of cosmetic procedures for the eyes, brows and forehead. If you are not ready or willing to undergo surgery, our clinic proudly offers a number of non-surgical treatments to address aging eyes, including fillers, Botox and other services in facial rejuvenation. What age are your eyes trying to tell? Call our Reno plastic surgery team today to schedule your consult.
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